Describe the issue or problem
When a journal section is restricted to Editor and Section-Editor submissions only, the section policy text is hidden from regular user view, even when that section is not otherwise marked as inactive. We’d like to be transparent about the policy for that section, even though the entire submission/review workflow is handled in-house. We will not be accepting external submissions for this section (but will for other sections). Is this possible?
Steps I took leading up to the issue
Journal Settings > Sections > [Section title] > Edit > option for “Items can only be submitted by Editors and Section Editors” checked, but section is not otherwise deactivated
What application are you using?
OJS 3.3.014
Additional information
E.g.: Non-editor (Incognito/private window), not logged-in user view of policy page:
Logged-in editor view of section policy page:
Hi @mhunter2,
Thanks for your post. You’re correct: this is designed in such a way that the section is not made visible to users on the public site.
This post might be better suited to a “Feature Request”, so I’ve altered the category. We are trying to make all first “Feature Request” posts follow same structure.We hope this will make it easier to understand the requests and, at the same time, ensure that no relevant information is missing.
You have a lot of the necessary elements in your post, here, but could you please edit your first post following this template?
Describe the problem you would like to solve
Example: Our editors need a way to […]
Describe the solution you’d like
Tell us how you would like this problem to be solved.
Who is asking for this feature?
Tell us what kind of users are requesting this feature. Example: Journal Editors, Journal Administrators, Technical Support, Authors, Reviewers, etc.
Additional information
Add any other information or screenshots about the feature request here.
You can use this post as a reference.
Best regards,
PKP Team
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