Shariff Plugin für OJS 3

Hi @pilas ,

thanks for reporting this issue. It seems for some languages as fr, pt, es still the old style of folder naming, i.e. fr_FR, is required. I will fix this in the plugin structure. However, it will take some time until the update will make its way into the plugin gallery again.

Meanwhile you can just rename the folder “fr” to “fr_FR” on your server.

However, I regognized that the French lanaguge file still misses some translations for the more recently added keys. So you will still have some unresolved language parameters anyway.

If you would be able to compare the French languge file with the English file and add these currently missing translation I can include them in the upgrade.

Thanks @ronste1, I will proceed as you adviced and rename the folder to fr_FR. I have compare french and english files and ony one parameter is missing in french, I made a translation:

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.service.description”
msgstr “This plugin implements services as provided by <a href="\” target="_blank">Shariff version 3.2.1. As availability of these services might change without notice, it is advisable to verify availability on a regular basis."

French translation:
Ce plugiciel implémente les services tels que fournis par <a href="\" target="_blank">Shariff version 3.2.1. Comme ces services peuvent changer sans préavis, il est recommandé d’en vérifier la disponibilité régulièrement.

Hi @pilas ,

thanks for helping with the translation. When I compare the files shariff/locale/fr/locale.po at stable-3_4_0 · ojsde/shariff · GitHub and shariff/locale/en/locale.po at stable-3_4_0 · ojsde/shariff · GitHub I find a number of keys not translated to French at the bottom of these files.

Here a link to an editor view:

You can select both locale.po files, right click the selection and do “Compare selection” to highlight the differences.

They cover new features implemented recently. Could you please translate these too?


Hi @ronste1, I see, I was not looking at the latest version of the locales files. I have translated all the missing parameters in french.

Missing translations:

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.share”
msgstr “Share”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffAdditionalOptions”
msgstr “Configurations additionnelles”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffEnableWCAG”
msgstr “Conformité WCAG”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffEnableWCAG.description”
msgstr “Utiliser des contrastes de couleur conformes WCAG.”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffEnableWCAG.heise.description”
msgstr “Utiliser des contrastes de couleur classique.”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffShowBlockHeading”
msgstr “Titre du Shariff-Block”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffShowBlockHeading.description”
msgstr "Affiche un bloc de titre au-dessus du Shariff-block (pour une meilleure intégration avec certains thèmes visuels. Peut requérir du code CSS additionnel)

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.publicationSharingLink”
msgstr “Lien de partage de la publication”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.publicationSharingLink.publicationUrl”
msgstr “URL de la publication”

msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.publicationSharingLink.doiUrl”
msgstr “URL du DOI de la publication (si disponible)”

I noticed a typo in the English text in parenthesis in parameter plugins.generic.shariff.settings.shariffShowBlockHeading.description: (for better integration with certian themes, may require additional css)."

New translation
msgid “plugins.generic.shariff.settings.position.submission”
CURRENT : msgstr “page de l’article / du livre”
NEW : msgstr “page de la publication”


Hi @pilas ,

I created an updated release package: Release Shariff Plugin for OJS/OMP/OPS versions 3.4.0 · ojsde/shariff · GitHub.

I will also update the version in the plugin gallery but this may take a little time to go through.

Thanks for your contribution!

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Thanks! You are welcome!