In OMP 3.1.2, I’m getting an a weird sorting of a series, when sorting by series position. Instead of 1, 2, 3, 4…, the sequence goes 1, 11, 12, 13…, 2, 21, 22, 23… 3, 4, 5… Kind of odd. You can see it here: Skrifter från Folklivsarkivet i Lund | Open Books at Lund University. Might I be doing something wrong?
Hi @mannemark,
I wonder if this might be tied to this issue: [OMP] Order catalog by series position leads to database error · Issue #5833 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub (which is fixed as a part of OMP 3.2.1)
I’m wondering if @NateWr might weigh in? He does mention in this issue that there are some sorting issues that still occur with series. Although, you don’t mention whether or not there is an error in the catalog (although perhaps you haven’t seen this yet).
PKP Team
Hello @rcgillis! We did not get any database errors, it’s only the sorting that doesn’t work properly. We recently did a test upgrade to and the sorting is still off in the same way. Any suggestions?
Hi @mannemark,
Sorry - I can’t think of any further suggestions off the top of my head, but others may wish to weigh in on this thread if they have any.
PKP Team
We upgraded from 3.1.2 to and the problem is still there. Is there any solution for this?
@rcgillis @NateWr is there any way that the series sorting could be prioritized in the forthcoming version of OMP? Our series pages are starting get full of books and it gets pretty messy when they’re not in the correct order.
Hi @rcgillis @NateWr,
we also experience this sorting issue. The sorting seems to be Alphanumeric instead of numeric for series numbers. However, suggested entries for the Series Position are “Examples: Book 2, Volume 2”. So this field mixes semantic information with position.
I would suggest set this field to numeric values only, and add another field for the wording (or leave the wording to the translation).