Describe the problem you would like to solve
Our editor-in-chief finds the standard Issue Published Notify impersonal and disrespectful to the authors. Currently, we send such emails to our authors manually.
Standard Issue Published Notify has the form by default:
{$journalName} has just published its latest issue at {$journalUrl}. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Describe the solution you’d like
Is it possible to create a new type of email template that is sent to the corresponding author at the moment of publication of his article with name like “Your manuscript published” and with texts like “Hello, {$recipientName}! Your manuscript “{$submissionTitle}” has been published … bla-bla-bla… Here is a link to it {$submissionPublishedUrl} …”? Ideally, this email would also contain a citation link provided by ‘citationStyleLanguage’, for example, in the default citation style.
Who is asking for this feature?
I think this would be interesting to all authors and editors.