Send copy of "Revised Version Uploaded" email to author

Describe the problem you would like to solve
Our authors would like to receive a confirmation email that they have successfully uploaded a revised version of their manuscript. This would stop them writing to the editor for such confirmation.

Describe the solution you’d like
Copy the email “Revised Version Uploaded”, which is already sent to the editor, to the corresponding author.

Who is asking for this feature?
Authors, editors

Additional information

Hello @aulock

We are trying to make all first “Feature Request” posts follow same structure.We hope this will make it easier to understand the requests and, at the same time, ensure that no relevant information is missing.

Could you please edit your post following this template?

Describe the problem you would like to solve
Example: Our editors need a way to […]

Describe the solution you’d like
Tell us how you would like this problem to be solved.

Who is asking for this feature?
Tell us what kind of users are requesting this feature. Example: Journal Editors, Journal Administrators, Technical Support, Authors, Reviewers, etc.

Additional information
Add any other information or screenshots about the feature request here.

You can use this post as a reference.

Best regards,

PKP Team

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This is a very common issue with our journal as well. I get several emails a week from authors who are unsure if their revisions were uploaded correctly because they received no confirmation.

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Describe the problem you would like to solve
Our authors would like to receive a confirmation email that they have successfully uploaded a revised version of their manuscript. This would stop them writing to the editor for such confirmation.

Describe the solution you’d like
Copy the email “Revised Version Uploaded”, which is already sent to the editor, to the corresponding author.

Who is asking for this feature?
Authors, editors

Additional information

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Thanks @aulock
I modified your fist post in your behalf to fit the template.

Has there been any movement on this? I’ve gotten a few requests for this addition to the workflow as well and I can’t seem to find an alternate workaround that would do the same thing as this potential feature. Unless I’m missing one.

Hello, just to chime in that we see a fair few requests for exactly this feature, too, and would welcome any steps towards making it available in OJS.

Thank you!


James Rice
White Horse Press

Hi all, has there been any development on sending a confirmation of revised version submission to authors? it seems an easy thing to fix, from the outside, as editors already receive this message by default. Or is there a setting which I am overlooking that would trigger this?
Thank you!