Does any Editor in Chief of a journal know of a way that Associate Editors (section editors) can pass reviewers comments and annotated manuscripts onto an author without having the functionality of accepting the paper. As far as I can see only those (in this case Editor-in- Chief) with the permission to accept/reject papers have an easy way of doing this. Any suggestions gratefully received…
Hi @PWilkie,
You could send those attachments / comments along as part of a review discussion.
- this is version 3.3 - but it is similar in other versions of OJS 3 (but there might be slight differences). In the future, please indicate the version number you are using in your posts, please, as functionality between OJS versions may differ.
Best regards,
PKP Team
Thanks for this. We are using version What I am looking for is the functionality I have as Editor in Chief when I decide to accept a paper to be given to section editors so that they can ‘add reviews to e-mail’ and ‘select review files to share with the authors’ so that they can sort issues out with the author before I see it and decide to accept/reject etc. This is not available to them when they log in as they do not have the power to accept papers (I ticked the box not giving them permission to accept submissions as that is my official role).
Hi @PWilkie,
Typically, for OJS these types of discussions are done with the discussion features where you can select correspondents and who sees the responses, as well as include attachments if needed. The discussion features have been much improved since version 3.1, so I would recommend that you upgrade since 3.1 is no longer supported by PKP. You can get a sense of how this might work here: Editorial Workflow
Best regards,
PKP Team
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