Running production OJS site with Git for Dummies (like me)

Hi @asmecher
Thank you very much for your support.

I checked out and used ojs-stable-3_1_1 branch.
I noticed that; It works perfect when I start from scratch by creating a new journal. But I get empty tabs when I change install status to off, and upgrade existing database via web interface (from… Although it says “upgraded to ojs 3.1.14 successfully”, the tabs were empty. Server specs: Apache/2.4.38 (Unix) PHP/7.2.15, MySQL Server version: 8.0.15 - Homebrew.

The only fatal error in php error log was related to missing files in nlm30 folder. When I replaced missing files, functions run normally, and internal server errors have gone.

`PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required '/Users/.../Sites/adlitipbulteni.local/lib/pkp/plugins/metadata/nlm30/filter/`

In order to take a screenshot of empty tabs (admin panel), I deleted and reinstalled everything, then upgraded. This time, all the tabs appear normally, even The current role does not have access to this operation error in that post was fixed and I can download the files now.

I hope, I can get same success on journals web site.

Thank you very much,
Best Regards,
Ugur Kocak

2019/02/19 → :+1::+1::+1: