February 17, 2020, 7:17pm
Hi all,
Just recently the editors came up with an idea to link OJS reviewers with ORCIDs as well. Similar as for the authors. So that number of accomplished reviews can be seen on the ORCID profile of a reviewer.
To me the idea makes sense. What do you think about it?
Regard, Primož
PS: I have not checked if ORCID supports that or has any plans to do so.
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June 2, 2020, 7:34am
Hi Primož,
I think this is an excellent idea. Giving credit to reviewers is crucial for a better scholarly publishing process. And ORCID definitely supports this via their API, and the ORCID Profile Plugin would be a good place to start working on this.
I’ve had some brief discussions with @Dulip_Withanage about this and he hopefully joins in the discussion here.
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June 3, 2020, 12:25pm
Forgot a link to the ORCID docs about peer review records: Peer Review – ORCID
January 28, 2021, 11:29am
I support this feature request.
I also agree that the feature should be added to the ORCID Profile Plugin
Dear all
As journal publisher that used ReviewerCredit or Publons able to advocate their reviewer to integrating the record into ORCID. Here is an example ORCID
Dear all,
was this feature integrated into the ORCID Profile Plugin? I am currently looking into options for recognizing reviewer contributions. It would be great to have this feature in the plugin.
Gunther Maier
Hi @gunthermaier ,
Yes, recent releases of the ORCID Profile Plugin includes support for review deposits.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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October 16, 2023, 12:14pm
Hi @asmecher ,
That sound as a great news. Where can I find information on how the plug in works for reviewers? Has it been implemented in a similar fashion as for the authors (specific ORCID authorization email sent to the reviewer when he/she submit his/her review)?
October 16, 2023, 1:38pm
Hi @asmecher
That’s a really good news!
Thanks so much for your (the whole team) commitment with the PKP open source software.
Is the new review deposit feature documented in the plugin docs?
I was not able to find it.
Hi @razzi ,
See this issue:
opened 01:10PM - 06 Jun 21 UTC
closed 04:58PM - 02 Dec 21 UTC
#### Review functionality… 43842439-6bda500e-ae19-4f38-a983-5dfc9be781a3.mp4
#### Reviewer Anonymity metadata transfer concept
| Information | Orcid Field | Anonymous | Open |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1. Date of submission | created-date | YYYY | YYYY-MM-DD |
| 2. Date of acceptance (review)| review-completion-date | YYYY | YYYY-MM-DD |
| 3. Date of publication | created-date | YYYY | YYYY-MM-DD |
| 7. Article URL | review-url | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: |
### Review Functionalitry
### Plugin Settings
#### Links
- Definition:
- API :!/Development_Member_API_v3.0/viewPeerReviewv3
- SANDBOX API!/Development_Member_API_v3.0/createPeerReviewv3
- Peer Review Orcid
- Niso group
- marc codes
#### Orcid Review display

- In user profiles, peer-review will be visible only when the user has enabled it. [ref](
#### Specification (from ORCID)
##### a. Information about the reviewer
1. Role (required): The individual’s role in the review process, e.g. chair, editor, member, organizer, **reviewer** :ok:
2. Identifier (required): The reviewer’s **ORCID iD**
full orcid URL including https :ok:
##### b. Information about the organizer
- Convening organization (required): This describes the organization which organized the review - a **_journal publisher_**, **_conference organizer_**, funding agency, faculty, etc.
3. We can use the Publisher name under Settings- > Journal -> masterhead -> publisher :question:
4. City (required): The city where the organizer is based
- Region: The region where the organizer is based
- Country (required): The country where the organizer is based
If I am correct, the only location where the journal address is default maintained is under principal contact. There also we have the mailing address. This can be a little tricky to parse, if the journal managers do not provide it correctly. _Country_ is straight-forward, but the city can be not easy to find.
Another possibility is to get the location from the issn. Haven't explored it whether they have an API or does it make sense ?
e.g. :question:
5. Identifier (required): The persistent identifier for the organization
ISSN of the journal or ROR id of the press / hosting organization :question:
##### c. Information about the review
6. Group (required): An identifier used to group together the reviews on the ORCID record; it describes the group of which the review is part. This could be the name of a journal (Journal of Scientific Investigations) or an organization (Scholarly Publisher, State University)
User -> affiliation :question:
7. Type (required): The type of review activity, e.g., a review, evaluation
Review :ok:
8. Date (required): When the review was completed. This can be broad (2008) or specific
Reveiw data :ok:
9. Review container name: The name of main object of which the review is part, e.g. journal, conference, grant review panel, etc.
journal name :ok:
10. Review identifier (required): A unique resolvable identifier provided by the source for the review itself. This is used to prevent duplication of review activity. Reviews can have more than one identifier, and multiple reviews with the same identifier will group together
Do we have a reviewer URL for the front-end through a plugin may be :question:
This plugin sends reviewer id, submission-id,data and (due and submission) to
Related to 10
11, Review URL: A link to the representation of the review online
##### d. Information about the review subject
- Review subject name: The title of the item reviewed
- Review subject type: The type of item that was reviewed, e.g. article, grant, monograph
- Review subject identifier: A unique resolvable identifier for the reviewed item, e.g. a DOI
- Review subject URL: A link to the reviewed item online
OJS supports all :ok:
#### References
##### TODO
- [x] Check the review round
- [x] Check visibility
- [x] Sending emails
- [x] Update with put code
- [x] Deleting submission
- [x] Country codes as plugin settings
- [ ]
#### Related tickets
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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