Just to let you know:
Review Quality Collector (RQC) is an initiative for improving the quality of scientific peer review. Its core is a mechanism that supplies a reviewer with a receipt for their work for each conference instance or journal year. That receipt certifies the quality of the reviews, not just their number.
Read more about it here:
RQC is currently implemented for conferences using Easychair and I am just starting to implement support for journals.
The first manuscript handling system to be supported will be OJS.
I will build an adapter into OJS that sends review information to RQC and a large new part into RQC that handles the management of publishers, journals, and reviews at journals.
Comments on the RQC initiative are welcome.
And if any experienced OJS programmer is willing to give me a hand during the many difficulties I will no doubt run into while trying to find my way around OJS and PKPlib that would be most beautiful. Please speak up!