Respected PKP Team,
First of all, let me appreciate all the efforts and hardwork you people have been putting to serve the community in form of OJS and other platforms. These tools have proved themselves extremely productive and useful saving a lot of time and cost as well.
I am very excited to receive OJS 3.0 release and I am testing it before I upgrade my live journal. User interface is very interactive, eye-catching, and things are in a much organized matter.
I created this topic to attract the attention of your development towards a key component in the environments where softwares like OJS are extensively used for using publishing or workflow management of editorial content. The only important thing which I have observed so far lacking in OJS features, is Reporting Section. I know that we can generate a lot of custom reports like article views, downloads, overall statistics, which is really good indeed and required as well but besides articles and issues, there are also other important entities involved in this work flow like Editors, Section Editors, Reviewers, Layout Editors and many more (Roles in OJS).
When organizations use a software to manage their workflow timelines for editing and publishing, a huge need to track the progress / quality of involved roles make its presence felt and we find difficulty to find such reports in OJS which actually (if enabled) revolutionize the existance of OJS and increase its scope and usability along with durability and reliability.
Therefore, I am submitting this request to kindly consider adding the Custom reporting feature to future OJS development. I will try to explain some scenario for a better clarity.
- Reports of all the reviewers who responded on time vice versa ( and the ones who are habitual / punctual of such habits etc)
- Articles with delay (by reviewer/ editor or any other role)
- Profile statistics of each RoleUser as a specific Role (Editor / Section Editor / Reviewer etc).
3.a For example if we want to find out the track record of a particular user as a user role (Editor / reviewer etc), we should get a summarize and as well as a detailed report showing different aspects of activities by the user. (the goods and bads or whatever way you want to understand / present).
These are some of the scenarios which are causing us difficulty to manage and I am sure that many other organizations might be missing such a key component in such a great Software. I hope I have clearly described the problem as per my knowledge and ability and I will remain in touch whenever I have something new.
Kind Regards,
Farhan Abbas