January 15, 2016, 11:01am
Is there a way to remove Press manager from publication in OMP? We are not going to use it for submission of papers so it will be one man work and I think that it would be a waste of resources if we have to create separate user account for every author that is going to be published.
To formulate it differently, is there something like quick submit plugin for OMP or way to do it like that (number of steps is not a problem for submitting new monograph but I don’t see place for author name instead of adding it later and submitting monograph as author with Press manager role).
Hi @knjigor ,
I am not sure if I get it, but for importing monographs in OMP, you can use the native import/export plugin. Basically you can describe your monographs in an XML file and then use the plugin to import them.
Take a look at Native import/export plugin-OMP - #6 by ctgraham , it might help you.
January 15, 2016, 11:44am
I know about xml import plugin, but I would like to skip it if I can.
Problem is that if I create new entry (new monograph) I’m listed as Press manager, and author is missing, if I add author (in editing process) author name and my name are listed in publication details. Also, how to add publications to new releases?
@knjigor ,
Take a look at the link I’ve sent you previously. There you will find the schema description you need to use to define authors.
You can feature a monograph as a new release at the catalog management page, clicking on the exclamation point below the monograph picture and title.
I tried suggested plugin and after upload and Ok all I get
The import completed successfully. The following items were imported:
@knjigor ,
Any new monograph in the system? Also, can you post an example of your XML file, so we can make sure it’s correct?
I have one monograph in system, for now, xml file was downloaded from link you posted and at first I didn’t change any thing in it just tried to import it (without success), in later attempts I have modified few things and deleted some (mostly fields that are referring to files) and result was same.
File I was using is this omp/sample.xml at omp-stable-1_1_1 · pkp/omp · GitHub
* plugins/importexport/native/sample.xsl
* Copyright (c) 2014 Simon Fraser University Library
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
* Sample native XML import document.
<monograph xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
xmlns:onix="" locale="en_US"
date_published="2013-11-18" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd">
<id type="internal">1</id>
<title locale="en_US">Submission Title</title>
<prefix locale="en_US">Prefix</prefix>
<subtitle locale="en_US">the subtitle</subtitle>
<abstract locale="en_US">the abstract</abstract>
<authors xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd">
<author primary_contact="true" user_group="Author">
<submission_file xmlns:xsi=""
stage="submission" id="1" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd">
<revision number="1" genre="Book Manuscript" filename="Submission.pdf"
viewable="true" date_uploaded="2013-11-05" date_modified="2013-11-05"
user_group="Author" uploader="author_username">
<name locale="en_US">Submission Title</name>
<embed encoding="base64">base64 encoded file contents go here</embed>
<submission_file xmlns:xsi=""
stage="proof" id="2" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd">
<revision number="1" genre="Book Manuscript" filename="Submission.pdf"
viewable="true" date_uploaded="2013-11-05" date_modified="2013-11-05"
direct_sales_price="10" user_group="Author" uploader="author_username">
<name locale="en_US">Submission Title</name>
<embed encoding="base64">base64 encoded file contents go here</embed>
<publication_format xmlns:onix=""
xmlns:xsi="" approved="true"
physical_format="false" xsi:schemaLocation=" native.xsd">
<name locale="en_US">PDF</name>
<submission_file_ref id="2" revision="1" />
<Product xmlns:xs=""
<onix:ProductIdentifier xmlns="">
<onix:DescriptiveDetail xmlns="">
<onix:TitleWithoutPrefix>Submission Title</onix:TitleWithoutPrefix>
<onix:Subtitle>submission prefix</onix:Subtitle>
<onix:PublishingDetail xmlns="">
<onix:PublisherName>My Press</onix:PublisherName>
<onix:CityOfPublication>My City, My Province
<onix:Date dateformat="20">20130101</onix:Date>
<onix:ProductSupply xmlns="">
<onix:AgentName>Agent Name</onix:AgentName>
<onix:SupplierName>Supplier Name</onix:SupplierName>
Hi @knjigor ,
Thanks for your report, I confirmed the problem and opened an issue so we keep track of this: Native import plugin isn't working · Issue #1063 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
You can follow that issue to know when a fix it’s available.
Thanks again,
Hi @knjigor ,
What version of OMP are you using? That XML doesn’t validate against the OMP 1.1.1 schema, for example.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
January 28, 2016, 7:32am
Well I’m using version:
Hi @knjigor ,
It doesn’t validate against the OMP 1.1.1-1 schema either. When you work with XML, make sure it validates before trying to import it. On my Linux machine, I use xmllint
xmllint --noout --schema plugins/importexport/native/native.xsd --valid /path/to/my-file.xml
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
eu tambem…deu sucesso…fui abri…mesmo seguindo certinho os campos nao deu certo…