Hi sprinters,
We’re looking forward to working with all of you at the October 2 - 3 PKP sprint in Fredericton.
Here’s a general outline of the two days:
Sunday, October 2nd
All times in Atlantic Time
9am-10am: Day 1 Orientation/Decide on Topics
10am-noon: Work (coffee provided by UNB Libraries)
Noon-1:30: Lunch (lunch provided by UNB Libraries)
1:30-4:30: Work (coffee provided by UNB Libraries)
4:30-5: Day 1 Wrap Up
5:30pm onward: Dinner (provided by PKP at King’s Street Ale House)
Monday, October 3rd
All times in Atlantic Time
9am-9:30am: Day 2 Orientation
9:30am-noon: Work (coffee provided by UNB Libraries)
Noon-1:30: Lunch (lunch provided by UNB Libraries)
1:30-4:00: Work (coffee provided by UNB Libraries)
4:00-5: Day 2 Demos / Wrap Up
For remote participants, we will pull you at 9am. Contact Kevin if you’d like to join us.
Once the orientation is done, you will break off into your work groups, and may proceed independently or stay connected with your group via Skype, Hangouts, Slack, or whatever method works best for all of you.
Major themes to work on so far include:
- OAuth integration
- Documentation
- Translation
- Themer documentation
- Developer documentation
- Themes
- reviews of OJS 3/OMP 1.2
- Notifications
- Viewer.js integration for inline OpenDocument viewing in the workflow
- Mobile app
- Multilingual author names
For first-timers, the typical schedule is to meet together as a group on the first morning, review the proposed topics, add any new topics, and then vote with our feet as to who wants to work on what. Some topics may not get covered due to lack of enough participants.
Once the topics are decided upon, we break into work teams and get down to business. We’ll reconvene at the end of the day to review our progress. We’ll meet again as a group on the second day, discuss any changes, establish new work groups as necessary, and again breakout into our groups. At the end of the second day, we’ll reconvene and share what we’ve accomplished. The goal is to complete something tangible and avoid having any homework!
If you have any questions between now and then, please let us know. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you (virtually) in Fredericton!
Alec & Kevin