We have recently tested OMP 1.1.1-1 stable release and looking forward for new releases with enhanced features such as search functionality, better UI design.
Are there are planning/due dates for stable releases of OMP 1.2 or OJS 3.0?
I just tried to run the upgrade and got this:
php upgrade.php patch
Code version:
Database version:
Latest version:
A newer version is available:
tag: omp-1_2_0-0
date: 2016-04-11
info: http://pkp.sfu.ca/omp/
package: http://pkp.sfu.ca/omp/download/omp-1.2.0.tar.gz
patch: N/A
No applicable patch available
We have deprecated the patch-based upgrade method; working with git is much more reliable and flexible. You can still generate patches between versions from github.com.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Depending on what patches you may have already applied manually (if any), the tags of omp-1-1-1-0 and omp-1-2-0-0 may be better than the stable branches.
For example:
However, if you don’t maintain local modifications to the core files, directly downloading the new source via the “package” link and following the “Full Package” upgrade instructions is the best way to go.