I did some testing with different versions of OMP and I don’t believe it is possible to do this. Currently, there is only 1 field for all references to be entered.
If you would like to see this as a feature, please let us know and I can change the topic of this as a Feature Request for future consideration.
Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team
I would add to the Feature Request the possibility to have a single pageview for each chapter, exactly the same as OJS for articles, but in these case for book chapters, as well as to record download statistics at the chapter level.
I could draft the request with a graphic if worth it.
Dear @asmecher
I hope you are doing well. I just made a fresh test installation of OMP3.4RC3 and noticed that this reference metadata at the chapter level is not available which was a long-awaited feature request (Just to mention that the reference metadata is available at the monograph level but not for individual chapters).
we use OMP to publish edited volumes and conference proceedings where each chapter contains its own reference list and it’s important to have the reference metadata visibility at the chapter level in order to count the citation in book chapters by GS.
May I request you consider this feature request (option to add & expose references separately for individual chapters) in future updates?
Dear all,
so, how do you deal with the lack of option of the reference list for independent chapters in OMP? Do you use any other replacement tools? It is so crucial for correct indexing to collect all the metadata.
I would appreciate any ideas! Best, Kate