We are working on OJS 2.4.7 and are useing the recaptcha feature.
We noticed that OJS is currently only using recaptcha V1 and not V2 that is a bit more neatly and easier to use for users.
Are there development in progress to enable OJS to use V2 in the future or would we need to submit a request that it might be looked into that V2 feature be developed for ojs?
Has this been resolved?
I didn’t want to open a new issue as this is exactly my problem.
I received a message warning that the reCaptcha V1. API will be shutdown in March.
Will v2 be available for OJS 2.4.x or will we be forced to upgrade to OJS 3?
This note above suggests that recaptcha V2 has been spun into ojs 2.4.9 however there is not 2.4.9 posted on the download website. Has it been spun into another version like
OJS 2.4.9 has not been released (and our plans for it aren’t concrete yet). For the latest OJS 2.4.8 release, you can follow the directions here to get ReCAPTCHAv2 working: reCAPTHA v2 for OJS 2.4.8
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec. Unfortunately, that link drops to a plethora of entries and leads to: reCaptcha V2 Manual upgrade steps which seems to infer that there are only two code changes but also infers that this implementation in is broken. So, not understanding the nuances, what should we be doing? Thanks!!
I didn’t want to open a new issue.
To enable recaptcha in OJS, should we install the patches as well or just include the keys in config.inc.php?