QuickSubmit / OJS 3.1.2. No PHP errors but plugin doesn't work, screen flashes and a new incomplete task is added

We have upgraded the module to the latest 1.0.4-1 version.
The issues with uploading cover images and switching non-text fields seem to have gone now.
However, the issue with changing locales is still there.

Here is another one: pressing ‘Enter’ in any of one-line fields would result in refreshing the form and erasing all values in the ‘tag-it’ fields (like ‘keywords’, ‘subjects’, etc.).
Could anyone confirm this?

Hi @Ph_We,

The issue with changing locales has been filed but not resolved yet. I would recommend simply not switching locales when using that plugin. You should be able to enter multilingual content all the same.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher, may I also file the issue with ‘tag-it’ fields being erased?

Hi @Ph_We,

Yes, please go for it, and drop the link here to help keep everything organized.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Here it is:

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The issue has been solvec. Having testing the latest QuickSubmit plugin v. 1.0.4-1 to ojs v.3.1.2 and it successfully works.
Thanks @asmecher @Ph_We

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