Quick submit plugin - different screens on two same version ojs

hi sorry for the strange question but I can’t understand why on two different installations of ojs pkp or two different screenshots of the quicku submit plugin.
on a site I have this screen

on another this

both have version
the only difference is that on the first site I started from an older version and then updated, while on the second site directly from

can you help me solve the mystery?
how is it possible on one to have many fields to insert and on the other so few?
thanks a lot

Hi @simgiallorosso

That is defined in the Workflow - Submission - Metadata settings.

Regards, Primož

thank you so much!!!

can I take advantage of your availability? do you have any experience regarding the datacite plugin to automatically save doi on datacite? because I can’t get the article uploaded directly to their platform to be written. the doi is automatically created but then I can’t find it in my private area on the datacite site. Thanks for your help

Hi @simgiallorosso, a DOI is registered by the datacite plugin only when the article is published in a issue (see this).
Hope this helps.
Best regards