Pull Reviewer Ratings in Reviewer Report?

Hi all,
EDITED AS FEATURE REQUEST: I would like to request this feature be considered: Our editors are looking for good ways to assess reviewers by how long they take, how many reviews they accept, and how well they do based on the ratings. For this, we would like to be able to pull reviewer ratings from the reviewer report.

EDIT: We’re running OJS
@asmecher @rcgillis

Hi @hxo82,

Not out-of-the-box so far as I can tell.

Looks like there were past requests for this, according to this: [OJS] Reviewer Rating Stats Missing · Issue #4832 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

And it is suggested for someone to create a feature request for this, so if you wanted to do that in a separate post (or edit this one), so our development team can have it on our radar, that would be welcomed.

PKP Team

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Edited as feature request, thank you!

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