Hello everyone, I am about to publish a first video article and I am not sure which is the best way to do this. do you have any experience on tools, processes and formats you may like to share? It would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @lsteele,
You can check this example of the Portuguese Journal of Surgery, they have a Youtube Channel (Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia - YouTube) with all the videos and they are integrated on the OJS journal this way: Revista Portuguesa de Cirurgia
This is maybe not exactly what you want, but I think the implementation may be the same.
José Carvalho
Dear Josè,
thank you for your reply, I appreciate and congratulate your for your examples, which are very well done.
I seem to be stuck with importing the video, which is larger than 200 Mbm and I am discussing it with our provider to find a solution.
I appreciated your help, Josè.
Hello Jose,
I looked at one of your examples (810), where you embedded the video in the article: I did you get it to play from the website? I noticed also that you also have a YouTube link…
If you could share your experience on this it would be great.
Thank you,
Hi @lsteele,
In this case, the videos are not hosted near the journal, but only in the Youtube channel. With this approach you don’t have problems with your hosting (but it can be done).
Also, for the end-user, it’s more practical to have a streaming of the video instead of downloading 1GB first and the reproduce locally on the computer.
To include a link as a Galley, you just need to add a new Galley (as you do with a PDF or HTML or JATS-XML), but you tick the option “This galley will be available at a separate website” and include the URL of the video:
This can be done for youtube or any other service and you can also have your own media server to stream videos for the journal.
José Carvalho