Hello everyone, I wanted to share with the OJS community that I developed two plug-ins, one to assign ARK ID and the other to assign PURL ID to articles, issues, and galleys for the Open Journal System (OJS). Plugin code is available on my GitHub (https://github.com/yasielpv/pkp-ark-pubid and https://github.com/yasielpv/pkp-purl-pubid) and is compatible with OJS versions 3.X.X. For now, I have only put the translation in English and Spanish, but I have the intention to add more language to them. Any help to complement the other languages of the plugin is welcome.
I used the plugin in the Innovación y Software journal.For bugs, please fill in an issue on the GitHub page.
Hi @yasielpv,
Excellent work! If you’re interested in getting the plugin into the Plugin Gallery, see this for more information:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hola Yasiel!
Gran desarrollo
Carlos Authier
CAICYT - CONICET - Argentina
Hi,everybody! I’ve just start with OJS. My first journal is almost done, but it looks like there are some problem with identifiers. I’ve selected to install ARK identifier, but it doesn’t appear at Submissions → Manage Issues → Identifiers. Could you help me?
Hi @releaseeditorial, For the persistent identifiers ARK, PURL, DOI or URN to appear in the articles or issue tab, you must first configure them in the modules panel. Could you check if you configured them, since with the single installation it is not enough to show them?
Hello @yasielpv ,
Thanks for the quick feedback! I verified that the plugin installation appears as " ##plugins.pubIds.ark.displayName## " and not the ARK name (for example). And clicking on configure opens a pop-up that follows the attached print. Could you help me with filling in the fields?

Hi @releaseeditorial, el plugin only has the locale in English and Spanish. For this reason, the texts show with “#” symbol. In which locale do you have the journal?
As for the configuration, of course, I can help you. The first three checks are to enable the ARKs for issues, articles and galleys, respectively. You must enable at least the one for articles so that the ARK id field appears in the identifiers tab. The text box is to configure the NAAN prefix, which should be something similar to the ark:/12345. The last text box is the ARK resolver’s URL address, for example, http://n2t.net/ or a local resolver that translates the arks in the final URLs. The three radio buttons in the centre allow you to configure the suffix of the ARKs. The first assigns a default configuration to the suffixes, the second is to enter the arks manually (This option is the one that allows an editable field to be displayed in the publication metadata of the article, number or galley) and the third is to introduce patterns in each ark enabled in the checkbox at the beginning of that screen.
This is my email, you can write to me for any doubt,
Best Regards

Caro @yasielpv
It works perfectly. Very thanks for your help. The journal is in Brazil and we cant’t share it for a while (evaluation phase). But as soon as we’ve done the job we’ll share here at the comunity. We’re learning a lot with OJS.
At that moment we have some doubts about development. We interested in remove frames from the project, as we see here: https://journals.ub.uni-giessen.de/kult-online/article/view/189/217.
Finally, congratulations @yasielpv and keep up the good work! I think we’ll talk yet.
Best regards,
Thanks to you dear Paulo, we will be in touch. About removing frames and other visual elements, they are elements of the template that must be modified, either selecting a new template or developing a template from scratch. Best of luck in the implementation of your journal,
Best regards
Dear @yasielpv,
We have a question regarding the identifier generated for a “test” text created in the journal under development. The link is not redirecting to the magazine page, but to a 404 error page. We use, as per your directions, the prefix ark:/12345 and the resolver http://n2t.net/. Is something missing?
Thank you in advance for your clarifications.
1 Like
Dear @releaseeditorial
The ARK prefix ark:/12345 is an example, You must request an ark prefix for your journal and/or institución. In this web page there is a Google form where you can request an ark prefix https://arks.org/. This process take a week or less, in the form you enter the redirection URL from your journal
Best regards
1 Like
Hello @yasielpv,
As mentioned, we have already requested the ARK number for our journal and adjusted the settings, however the generated link is forwarding to an error page (404). As the journal has already been published, I can share the page with the link with you.
We are grateful if you can help us one more time.
Best regards,
Hi Paulo, this plugin only allows to assign the metadata ARK to issues, articles or galleys, but does not resolve the ark URL into the final URL, for example ark:/21207/nadar.v1i164 into NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE - VOLUME 1 ONLINE - EDIÇÃO #164 | NADAR! SWIMMING MAGAZINE
I can help you to implement the ARK ecosystem in your journal. You need to do two things more:
- Install another plugin (PubId Resolver) developed by me (available at the plugin gallery of OJS) for resolution of URL in OJS, and
- Request a change in the ARK foundation for the URL of your journal
Send me an email at yasielpv@gmail.com, and I will indicate the step above in detail.
Hi @yasielpv ,
Thanks a lot. I’ve just installed the PubId resolver. Now, what do we need to request from ARK, if we already have the Ark Number?
We’ll email you if that’s not inconvenient.
Now you must check that you can access articles or issues using the following URL
JOURNAL URL/gateway/plugin/pubIdResolver/ARK ASSIGNED
for example
and you must request in the ARK foundation that changes the forward URL from https://www.revistanadar.com.br/index.php/Swimming-Magazine
to https://www.revistanadar.com.br/index.php/Swimming-Magazine/gateway/plugin/pubIdResolver
Hello @yasielpv ,
This link redirects to the index page. We are sending a message to ARK requesting the change.
This URL should not redirect to the index page; this URL should redirect to the issue or article page. Do you activate the PubId Resolver Plugin?
The PubId Resolver appears at installed plugins.
But doesn’t correct functioning depend on the ARK change?
No, the ARK change only is needed to redirect from https://n2t.net/ark:/21207/nadar.v1i164
to your journal, but with the PubId Resolver Plugin your journal must be able to resolve https://revistanadar.com.br/index.php/Swimming-Magazine/gateway/plugin/pubIdResolver/ark:/21207/nadar.v1i164
into https://www.revistanadar.com.br/index.php/Swimming-Magazine/issue/view/6