Sometimes my PDF are correctly viewed in website. Sometimes not.
First load:
FullScreen visualisation:
Back to normal visualisation:
Some font and layout problems before click in fullscreen button.
It happens more in google chrome and in opera, internet explorer and firefox happens less frequently.
Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira ,
This is related to the PDF.js PDF viewer that we include, which formats PDF documents into HTML5 for web-based viewing. I would suggest communicating with someone on that project: GitHub - mozilla/pdf.js: PDF Reader in JavaScript
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thank you.
Tarcisio Pereira
Hi @asmecher
opened 01:00PM - 21 Dec 16 UTC
closed 02:47PM - 21 Dec 16 UTC
Link to PDF file (or attach file here): http://www.livrosabertos.sibi.usp.br/por… taldelivrosUSP/catalog/view/111/95/491-1
- Web browser and its version: All, it happens more in google chrome and in opera, happens less frequently in internet explorer and firefox.
- Operating system and its version: Windows and Linux
- PDF.js version: 1.0.907
- Is an extension: Yes
Steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Click the link in different Browsers and OS.
If visualization is weird:
2. Click fullscreen button
3. Press Esc
What is the expected behavior?
PDF should be showed well formated.

What went wrong?
Some fonts problems.

Link to a viewer (if hosted on a site other than mozilla.github.io/pdf.js or as Firefox/Chrome extension):
Would it be possible to update PDF.js in OMP?
Or any tips of how could I upgrade, at least my installation, so I’ll see if it solves the problem?
Tarcisio Pereira
Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira ,
I’ll have a look at this over here: Update PDF.js to newer/latest · Issue #13 · pkp/pdfJsViewer · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
1 Like
Hi @asmecher
Take a look: Visualisation problems · Issue #7908 · mozilla/pdf.js · GitHub
And here: Random / apparent "bolding" / corruption · Issue #7136 · mozilla/pdf.js · GitHub
I still do not quite understand how to fix this.
But I’m warning you so that you don’t waste your time updating the plugin.
Any news I’ll let you know.
Tarcisio Pereira