I’m trying to install OJS to my local development environment using Git, but have run into some problems. I’ve followed the instructions here: How to install OJS from Github? , and checked out the stable branch (OJS Stable 2.4.8) for both the application and lib/pkp submodule.
Here’s the error:
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
in C:\xampp\htdocs\rds\ojs\lib\pkp\includes\functions.inc.php on line 32
Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Does the file classes/security/Validation.inc.php exist? If not, it should – you can see at ojs/Validation.inc.php at ojs-2_4_8-0 · pkp/ojs · GitHub that it’s in ojs-2_4_8-0. If it does exist, then I suspect you have a problem with file permissions that’s preventing it from loading.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the quick reply. I was missing *validation.inc.php *(and a
number of other files), so I checked out the latest branch (OJS I’m now able to get to the database upgrade/install page, but
have run into another error:
Fatal error: Class ‘DOIExportPlugin’ not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\rds\ojs\plugins\importexport\crossref\CrossRefExportPlugin.inc.php
on line 43
I checked both the crossref and datacite folders and the DOIExport
Plugin and symbolic links are in place.
The git repository contains a few symbolic links, which appear not to work in a Windows environment. Here is some documentation on how to work around it:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I copied plugins files from the datacite folder to the crossref and medra folders. Also, I pulled the counter plugin files (which were missing) from the git repo. Here’s the new error:
WARNING: filemtime(): stat failed for locales.xml In file: C:\xampp\htdocs\rds\ojs\lib\pkp\classes\i18n\PKPLocale.inc.php
I checked the registry folder in OJS and locales.xml exists and has read/execute permissions for all users.
Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Hmm, it still sounds to me like something is preventing PHP applications from accessing registry/locales.xml. If I were debugging this, I would try a test script containing something like…
I set up a test script inside of the OJS application folder, and I’m
able to retrieve the file modification time for locales.xml. Do you have
any other suggestions that we could try?
I don’t have a Windows machine so can’t confirm – and as far as I know there are plenty of Windows users out there running OJS without hitting that problem – but it’s worth a try.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We haven’t made formal plans yet – too busy getting 3.0 ready for release – and to some extent we prioritize development based on community feedback. Details on your requirements would be useful; do you have an external membership or subscription management application, or are you looking to manage lists within OJS?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We use OJS to manage subscriptions. For institutional subscribers, we
limit access by domain and IP range. Do you happen to know when these
features will be available in version 3?
Hi @asmecher@wrems
I had the same error with OMP 1.2.0, turns out I was using a config-file from an incompatible version. I.e. when I checked out another version of OMP from the git repo, I still had my old config-file where I made the mistake of only changing installed to off, instead of overwriting it with the correct template.