Problem with DOI [OJS]

Hi @bozana ,

Sorry for the delay. As far as I know we didn’t change or config any of these parameters, it should be as default. I just checked the plugins list and there is an “Acron plugin” enabled, should I disable it?

Something strange happened within the past week because I received an email from mEDRA with the succesfully registration of a DOI (27 march), I tried with another the same day or one day after, but since then I did not received any new notification. It seemed that, for a moment, it worked.

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,

Hi @Almar93

Acron plugin is correct. It seems you have the default settings… and I cannot understand why the error occurs when you use the default settings…
So you do not have failed jobs any more? And has the status for your DOIs changed to “Registered”?


Hi @bozana

I tried again yesterday and I got failed jobs. I requeued them a few times to insist and check if it works, but I did not receive any new registers. I don’t know why that other DOI worked specifically. It makes me think that have to be related with some metadata issue, but then I think that we have checked all that many times, so I have no idea how to continue.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,

Hi @Almar93

I have just released a new version of the mEDRA plugin, Could you please upgrade your plugin via the plugin gallery and try if the DOI deposit will then work?


Hi @bozana !

I tried with 3 dois and got registered! But then I tried with the rest of the issue and again is not working. I attached one message I got when I enter the DOI screen and the tasks screen. I hope it was a clue.

I’ll be busy this week but I will try to contact our host again to check one more time for possible issues related to permission.

Thank you very much again for all your effort and all who are involved.

Best regards,

Hi again @bozana !

The DOIs are all registered. I don’t know how, but a few days later of the last deposit, I did get the emails, so for the moment the problem seems to be solved.

We have to publish a new issue next june, so I’ll keep watching.

Thank you very much for all your help.

Best regards,


can you help me, I am having this problem, I have tried changing the setting on workflow->metadata “The source may be an ID, such as a DOI, of another work or resource from which the submission is derived.” I have unchecked it but I still get the error as above in ojs version 3.4.0-4 that I have I have also tried disabling the crossref plugin. how do I fix this problem thank you. @bozana

Hi @totoandri

It seems you have defined an Article Component (Workflow > Submission > Component) named “DOI” that you require to exist. When you edit that component you can change it.


thank you very much @bozana for responding to my problem, after I checked, I don’t have “DOI” in (Workflow > Submission > Component) is this problem because I upgraded my ojs?
…thank you @bozana

thanks @bozana I have found “DOI” in the database in the genre_settings table.