Plugin Registry on Line 186 (OJS


I apologize for the delay in responding. To address the upgrade issue, I performed the OJS upgrade process multiple times to achieve compatibility with the latest version (OJS from your previous version (OJS Here’s a breakdown of the steps I took:

Upgrade Process:

Here are the steps I took during the upgrade process:

  1. Code Updates: I manually replaced outdated code with the latest version from OJS (Note: Avoid using “copy and paste” for large code sections - utilize a version control system for better tracking.)
  2. Plugin Management: I opted to exclude outdated plugins (ORCID Profile, Themes, etc.) as they could potentially cause upgrade conflicts. These plugins will need to be upgraded or replaced with compatible versions.
  3. Files Folder Inclusion: I included the Files folder in the upgrade process.
  4. Log File Removal: To address a specific error, I deleted the log file “example: usage_events_20240314” within the UsageStats Plugins → UsageEventsLogs directory.
  5. Database Update: (Assuming the database was previously on a different server) I updated the database configuration to point to the local server (“localhost”).
  6. Upgrade Script Execution: I ran the official OJS upgrade script to complete the upgrade process.
  7. Server Transfer: I transferred the upgraded OJS installation to the web server/cPanel and made it publicly accessible.

Additional Notes:

If you encounter an error message mentioning “php_intl_version” after the upgrade, please see this: Troubleshooting OJS Upgrade: HTTP 500 Error on Subdomain (Version OJS-

Best Regards,