Please retain part of the original file name

Some of our journals ask the authors to submit images to be included in the manuscript separately, so that manuscript and images during submission are kept separate. Later, the layout editor then integrates the images into the text file.

When submitting, the authors make sure to give the individual images a specific name so that the layout editors can easily see where in the text the image should be inserted (see below).

Unfortunately, these file names are not retained when the layout editor later clicks on the link ‘Download all files’. Therefore, it is subsequently difficult for the layout editor to see where in the text the individual images should be inserted.

We would really like to see a necessary part of the original file names preserved to facilitate the layout editor’s work



Niels Erik

Hi @nef,

not really what asked for, but a workaround would be that authors change the name of the uploaded file when uploading files.

Regards, Primož

Thanks @primozs but I can’t see how it could be done.
Niels Erik

Hi @nef,

In the second step of a file uploading click on Edit and change it:

Regard, Primož

Hi @primozs
But the problem occurs after the author has submitted the files. It happens when the layout editor uploads the entire collection of submitted files.
Niels Erik