Please, How To Direct Single Journal To Web Root ( instead of (

Hi @Anda.Abolina,

Hopefully someone using nginx can add a more specific configuration – but in case it helps, there are two parts to a working configuration:

  1. Getting OJS to generate the right URLs. This should be as easy as adding base_url[...] configuration options in your You can try this without having any special nginx configuration, but until both OJS and nginx are configured, you can expect any subrequests (e.g. AJAX content) to fail, so the page will likely look incomplete. You can view the page source generated by OJS to make sure the URLs look like you want them to.

  2. Getting the web server (e.g. nginx) to route incoming requests to OJS appropriately. This is more of a rewrite rule question than an OJS question, and will depend on what you want and what webserver you’re using, so you might find better information e.g. on StackOverflow. But as you’ve probably already seen, there is an example configuration on this forum that you could use as a starting point.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team