Pending pull request

Hi everyone,
I had participated in translating some OJS themes into Arabic, and I have a pending pull request that had been waiting for a while. Could anyone please help and take a look at it.

With appreciation,

Hi @vormia,

PKP doesn’t maintain that repository, so you’d need to contact the person who does – but I do see that it hasn’t had activity for a few years, so it might not be getting maintained.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,
I guess then the translation should be sent by me to who ever needs it, to be added manually.

Thank you for passing by.

Hi @vormia,

the plugin has been moved to GitHub - cedis-epublishing/anonymIP. I now added a note to the old repo.

But we cannot include the Arabic translation, since we cannot check it. We might give a hint to the translation in the README. Would this be okay for you?


Hi @carola,

I found anonymIP plugin useful and wanted to make it more multilingual.
Anyway, it’s up to you to accept or refuse other’s participation in your git repository.
As for the checking of the translation, I suppose there is more than a way to check it, one of them is online translators available on the web.

Regards and wishing you a good day,

Hi @vormia,

I am sorry if I offended you. We always check pull request before we include them. Code and translations. We already included Arabic locals in one of our plugins, but the person who checked it, is not available anymore.
