Hello all,
I’m not sure how the translator plugin works, but from experience, it seems to somehow check available key names, variables from original with translation target, and then append anything new to the end of the XML target.
This is nice but counter productive if you’re editing the XML files directly, because no comparison tool we found helps us organize automagically the keys from the target files with the original (line position).
Do you know of any XML editor (free) that can do this kind of automatic file comparison (check which key names exist in each file) and organized them according to original?
Diff compares lines and, independent of the tool (started testing with Notepad++, usually used vim via shell), it’s quite a load to find, copy, paste and translate files. Very long files become tiresome very quickly.
The idea is that the XML files have the same structure and position making it less visually stressful to edit or worry about having “leftover” copies of the same key lost anywhere.
We’ve tried xmlsort, but it’s corrupting the encoding when viewing in an XML editor…