Hi all,
there are 32 translations missing in the German UI of OJS 3.2.1-1; we grepped all po-files for en_US and de_DE to compare them. We also saw that there are a few cases where there are more translations in German than in English.
We would like to contribute to change this situation, but are not sure if and how this release can be amended? Otherwise we would like to contribute to a future release. Making over 30 translations just for ourselves does not seem right.
Hi @ojs_univie,
Translations are welcome (and all volunteer-administered)! Have a look at the Translation Guide for details on how to get involved. We use Weblate for collaborative translation of the software.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi alec,
thank you as always for your swift and helpful reply! I saw that there is a new Guide starting from OJS 3.2, I guess due to the switch from xml to po files (which is an excellent move, if you ask me).
Contributing now will only affect future releases, right? For now we just copy-pasted what was missing from the english original. I am wondering if it is not possible to make the system do that by default (if there is no translation for the current language, try a fallback on en_US). Any text is better than some arcane ## codes.
Edit: I just saw there is a plugin for that. Should have read the documentation first!
Hi @ojs_univie,
You’re right, we’ve switched to .po
files starting with OJS/OMP/OPS 3.2 and from that point forward we’re using the new Weblate translation tool. Contributions via Weblate currently go to the next stable release, which will be OJS/OMP/OPS 3.2.1-2 (coincidentally I hope to release these today). We’ll be putting together a release candidate for OJS/OMP/OPS 3.3.0 later this month, and sometime soon after that we’ll switch the translation tools over to working towards that release, which is due in Q1 next year.
Yes, the Default Translation Plugin is what you’re looking for!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team