Hi team!
I’m writing to ask about the ORCID plugin for OJS: One of our members is asking to get a log of the ORCID iDs that have used the ORCID plugin to connect into their Journal System.
Could you please tell me how can they retrieve that information? Is there a feature in OJS to do that manually or does that need to be under request? If there is a manual feature to retrieve this information, I couldn’t find anything.
I appreciate your support here.
Best regards,
Hi @Fran_Alsina,
Thank you for your question. It’s an interesting idea. At present, I’m not sure that the ORCID plugin nor the OJS export features provide the ability to obtain an ORCID ID associated with an author. I tested them, and this appears not to be the case, as of version 3.3.0-7 with the current user export (XML and CSV) features. I think one might have to query the database and extract information this way in order to ascertain this. However, I have flagged this as a feature request, and will ask our developers @NateWr and/or @Dulip_Withanage to comment as to whether or not this might be feasible.
Best regards,
PKP Team
Hi @Fran_Alsina ,
the only available way, currently is the database. You have to check for setting_name=orcid in the author_settings and user_settings tables.
Actually it is a very simple sql query, but the plugin does not have this as a explicit export feature.
e.g. for users
SELECT u.username, u.email, us.setting_value from users u, user_settings us where u.user_id=us.user_id and us.setting_name="orcid" and length(us.setting_value) > 0 ;
for authors
SELECT a.author_id, a.email, ast.setting_value from authors a, author_settings ast where a.author_id = ast.author_id and ast.setting_name="orcid" and length(ast.setting_value) > 0 ;
But in future versions of there will be a way e.g. show me all authors in the submissions, who do not have orcids until now". Please see the description from @NateWr s ticket. Journal-wide UI for tracking deposits and distribution · Issue #5980 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Thank you so much for all the details, Dulip. We really appreciate it.
Best regards,