ORCiD-Plugin: Authorizing OJS as trusted organization during submission workflow fails

It is very difficult to pinpoint your case, do you see some other messages in the api communication log (OJS_FILES/orcid.log) ?

I am searching in the log for the scenario we did on May 26. I guess the tests we did together start somewhere here:

2021-05-26 14:32:57.758 INFO POST https://api.sandbox.orcid.org/oauth/token
2021-05-26 14:32:57.759 INFO Request header: array (
  0 => 'Accept: application/json',

This is followed by an INFO on the ā€œRequest bodyā€, a string containing code, grant_type, client_id and client_secret.
Next INFO on ā€œResponse bodyā€, this time something JSON-like, with access_token, token_type, refresh_token, expires_in, scope, name and orcid.
Next another INFO, this time on ā€œRequest body (without put-code)ā€, again something looking like JSON. This contains quite a few keys and is nested, so I will skip writing all of that. Let me know if some part of this is of interest to you.
Next an INFO on a POST call to api.sandbox.orcid.org/v2.1 on work level
Next an INFO on the ā€œHeader: arrayā€, which contains Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept and Authorization.
INFO on Response status 201
INFO that ā€œWork added to profileā€, with putCode

20 minutes later:

2021-05-26 14:56:26.673 ERROR OrcidHandler::orcidverify - No author found with supplied token

The 20 minutes seem strange. I am not entirely sure what we did during that time. I suppose we looked at the core of the issue, clicking the link from the e-mail received by the author and talking about where and how we could extract the URLs generated by the orcid sandbox.

After the ERROR message I can see the log entries from the successful API call we had after that, where we added the publication_id to the URL manually.

Another note on our scenario: We have two authors for this specific publication. The first does not own an ORCiD-ID, as far as I can tell. The second is the one being asked for authorization.


i"m pretty sure weā€™re experiencing the same problem as @ojs_univie. The link that @Dulip_Withanage put in post #17 above is the same for us, except itā€™s missing the publicationID. If we add the publicationID manually to the URL OJS responds with a green message that the Orcid validation succeeded.

One of the points I noticed when I was testing with ORCID, is that the redirect URL has to be HTTPS, otherwise it did not work.

The environment weā€™re using is ā€œhttpsā€. The ā€œhttpā€ link is copied from @Dulip_Withanage. My post #8 above outlines the sequence and the problem. We ARE able to make it work if we add the missing publicationID manually, and the log response for both error and success is included in the post. It should be clear to anyone reviewing these posts that using ā€œhttpā€ is NOT the problem.

@Richard-Higgins : I did a slight change to the web publicationId in a dev branch. Did you test this ?

When I click on the link to the branch, I donā€™t see any file and/or code youā€™ve changed. I can see the branch, but thereā€™s no indication of what youā€™ve changed. The last commit on the branch is May 22.

Iā€™ve also compared (with diff) v.1_1_2-18 release against this ā€œforumā€ branch and thereā€™s no difference in the code.

Could you give me the file and code youā€™ve changed in a post rather than by link?

@Dulip_Withanage did you have a similar setup in your tests? Could you maybe try this scenario and see if this makes the issue reproducable for you?

EDIT: @Richard-Higgins did you have one or two authors in your tests?


@ojs_univie I tested the process in a variety of different cases. Number of authors made no difference. An email with the ORCID validation link to a registered user can be initiated by staff at any time.

Also, as you noted at the beginning of this thread, when a user self-registers ORCID validation does not encounter this error.

Okay, thank you very much for your reply and doing such extensive testing! Pinpointing this issue is hard. I was hoping the multi-author thing might be it.

Hi Both, I tested again the multi-user scenario too.
Although it may not be relevant to this case, I wanted to just report something, which may be of interest.

For OJS to get a author/contributor validation, we send token (email hash) and the credentials to the apiand then get the user-code.

If I have multiple authors here is a workflow, which can happen.

  1. Add first co author coauthor@mailinator.com
  2. Login to sandbox and authenticate ORCID but do not logout
  3. Add second author amwandenga@mailinator.com and send authentication email
  4. Click the authentication email, (as we are logged in) orcid api automatically authenticates for the wrong user (in this case coauthor@mailinator.com )

No errors happen, but we have the wrong orcid id in OJS. Unfortunately ,from OJS side we cannot control this, cause we get a false yes from the API (through the data entering personā€™s error).

For a production use case , In a shared desktop, this rare use-case can happen., if users do not log out.

This is the current working workflow. Click Image for better quality.

I am seeing the same thing. Something about this branch does not seem right:
ā€œThis branch is 489 commits ahead of ulsdevteam:master.ā€

@asmecher Could you have a look at this thread? @Dulip_Withanage says that they added a potential solution to Github branch ā€œforum-67928,ā€ but that branch is identical to main as far as I can tell. Iā€™m concerned with the difficulty weā€™ve experienced in trying to communicate about this issue.

Iā€™ve been in touch with both Orcid support and Lyrasis/OrcidUS about the error, and their first impression is that 1) our problem is probably related to multi-journal instances (which I think is true for @ojs_univie as well) and 2) retaining the publicationID in the return URL will need to be handled by the OJS plugin code.

With thanks,
Richard Higgins
Indiana University Libraries | IUScholarWorks


ORCID has advised us to skip testing sandbox in our dev instance and go straight to implementing the API plugin in production. I hadnā€™t heard before that since PKP is a ā€œservice providerā€ for ORCID the sandbox protocol for testing the API process isnā€™t necessary.

In any case, Iā€™m happy to verify that the production member API works as designed in the orcidProfile plugin, without the error described in this thread.

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Usually we do test our plugins in a sandbox environment to make sure it works as we expect it to. It is a bit strange to read that sandbox testing isnā€™t necessary. Isnā€™t this a decision we ourselves should be able to make?

I am relieved to read the issues found with ORCiD Sandbox member API are not present for production. It is also strange the two would act so differently.

EDIT: I want to add here, that I am deeply grateful @Richard-Higgins for all the time and effort you spent on this issue!

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Hi all,

Iā€™ve been following this thread behind the scenes, but @Dulip_Withanage is our expert on ORCID, so I trust his recommendations :slight_smile:

It does sound like thereā€™s a discrepancy between the ORCID sandbox and production API behaviour, and itā€™s hard for us to debug this remotely ā€“ Iā€™m hoping that someone at ORCID can look into it with better knowledge about how the two environments differ. But for the moment itā€™s good news that this only affects the sandbox and users can work in production without problems.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

The gif looks different from what I remember seeing in the tests. After signing in you are immediately forwarded to OJS. This is not what we saw in our tests. We needed to explicitely click ā€œAuthorizeā€ in ORCiD. Maybe because we were already logged in in ORCiD sandbox when clicking the link in the e-mail?

@ojs_univie yes. When you are logged in , you will only see the ā€œAuthorizeā€ button.

@Richard-Higgins and @ojs_univie

First of all thank you both for your testing and contributing to the issue in a much deeper tehcnial level.

Here is a summary of the current status

  1. The issue you mentioned without the publicationId is very hard to reproduce. As it is not visible in a production environment, we have to guess, that something in the way the sandbox react can cause the issue you mentioned. S In OJS side, we are working on more fine-granular error reporting to enable JMS/JEs or Sys-Admins to find out , if there is a configuration error.

The error in the initial report in this ticket can be more customized to return more concrete values. That we will do from OJS side and may be find out the reason, when this scenario is repeated in future again.

What I meant was: I didnā€™t see the ā€œAuthorizeā€ button in the gif you posted. I redid the tests just now while being logged out from orcid sandbox and I can see the ā€œAuthorizeā€ button. How come it is not visible in your gif?