Is there a way we can add a function to the preprint site so that authors have the option to choose one from different CC licenses for their work as they upload?
Is there a way we can add a function to the preprint site so that authors have the option to choose one from different CC licenses for their work as they upload?
Hello @esciencepress, the licensing policy is typically set to utilize one CC license, that is chosen according the policy adopted by the preprint server, which is set in the distribution settings, which is set in Settings → Distribution on the administrative dashboard. Although, you can set the license individually for an article, if you go the particular submission and under “Permissions & Disclosure” you can enter the specific license URL that you wish to use for the CC license. So, say you wanted to do a CC-BY 4.0 license, you would use the license URL: Creative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0
You could use the CC license chooser to select an appropriate license: Choose a License
Hi @rcgillis,
I would like to see this option for letting the authors choose which CC license they would like to have for a preprint. Many different preprint archives are adopting this policy such as arXiv (arXiv License Information | arXiv e-print repository), bioRxiv (Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | bioRxiv), and medRxiv (Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | medRxiv). Maybe in the future this policy can be taken into consideration for OPS preprints as well.
Hi @talknshare,
Thanks for your comments. If you’d like to request that this feature be added to OPS, you can open an issue and our developers/community will assess/discuss it there: Issues · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Best regards,
PKP staff
Hi @rcgillis , Hi All
We are developing with OPS
Is there any progress on this issue?
Or could you tell me how to customize it?
Minoru Tanabe