Open Monograph Press- Questions

Boa noite a todos,

Estou realizando uma pesquisa referente ao open monograph para instalação na faculdade onde estudo, queria saber se a ferramenta é estavel, se é facil de customizar e se é facil trabalhar. Obrigado.

Peço desculpas pelo inglês.

Good evening everyone,

I am conducting the open monograph related research for installation in college where you study, wanted to know if the tool is stable , it is easy to customize and is easy to work . Thank you.

I apologize for the English.

Hi @Diego.martins932,

Yes, OMP is stable. Whether it’s easy to customize and work with will depend on what you want to do with it. OMP is a relatively young application compared to OJS, so we’re still refining it. We’re planning to release OMP 1.2 in a few weeks, for example, which will add major improvements to fundamental parts of the system – the user interface, workflow, indexing, etc.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team