We increasingly get requests to publish out of print titles in OMP. These are needless to say already copyedited and proof read and have press ready pdfs ready to go. Today I published an anthology online containing 14 chapters (the book series is 9 volumes so multiply any numbers below by 9). APART from adding the title to the catalogue, uploading all the chapter PDFs, entering all the authors and assigning them to the correct chapter files, I counted 114 clicks just to get this title onto the site. Just the last step alone, adding the format (DA) and making the files available and setting the licence to OA requires a ton of clicks, two clicks per chapter in column 1 and three more click per chapter in column 2. Why is there no Approve All and Set all button? I would think that it is far more common that all these should be the same, than some chapters in OA and some for purchase. This alone would save lots of time.
Best regards
Geir Rosset
Novus Press