Dear all,
I have been asked to install OMP and create a press for publishing the conference proceedings of my department electronically and I have to admit that I do not know much about this kind of tools.
Directly after installation I have tried to create a press as admin but I encounter the same problem as DiegoG here: when I try to create a new press, after clicking “save” button, it starts a spinning icon, and never ends. Moreover, if I refresh the site, the press is listed but without any name or description (only the path) and, if I try to edit it, the same process repeats. Should I clik on “Settings Wizard” instead, I get the following error message: “The current role does not have access to this operation”. This is particularly annoying as I am logged in as admin.
I checked the user tables to make sure that my user had the admin role, and it was the case.
Following the advice given to DiegoG, I have checked the public directory and there are two folders, “presses” and “site”, both empty. I have also checked my files directory and it contains three folders: “presses” (in which a folder “2” is to be found, which has the folder “monographs” inside, empty), “site” (empty) and “usageStats”, with four empty folders (“archive”, “processing”, “reject”, “stage”) and one “usageEventLogs” with a log file inside.
In the case of DiegoG the problem seemed to be related to permissions in his own computer. I do not know if this could also be my case, as I am admin of this computer. I am working with Windows 8.1 and the XAMPP 5.6.3-0, if this should be of any use.
Moreover, if I install OMP in Spanish, there are many labels that are not translated (even the same error message from above), but I assume this has to do with the language files, not with any further error.
Thank you in advance for your help.