Hi I made all the steps provided in the Documentation, but I still can’t put the ebook for download. The ebook is published, reviewed, I set the publication format, marked as approved, mark the Download checkbox. But the download link does not appear on the ebook detail page.
What I Have to do?
Hi nicholasio,
There are several levels of approvals, all necessary – some for academic purposes, some for marketing purposes. Unfortunately this can be a little confusing when you first approach it.
But before we get to those, can you confirm that a payment method (e.g. Paypal) has been configured and the configuration saved in your press setup? This is required, even if you’re using purely Open Access publishing.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I think that the problem is that Paypal isn’t configured, I will try out.
I Select PayPal but do I need to enter PayPal URL and PayPal Account?
It’s not working yet.
Hi @nicholasio,
If you don’t want to configure Paypal or don’t have an account, you can configure the manual payment plugin instead – just make sure you don’t leave the instructions field blank or it’ll consider itself not to be set up fully.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I Configured the manual payment option. But I still can’t get a ebook for download. A missing library may cause this? I had several problems in the begining with some options simply doesn’t working because some missing libs. I spent a lot of time installing them.
Hi @nicholasio,
Are you using the git master branch? If so, you can install dependent libraries using composer:
cd lib/pkp
composer.phar update
cd ../..
The master branch isn’t suitable for production use – if you want to use OMP in production, please stick with the current stable release. If you want to use git, that’s omp-stable-1_1_1.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, thanks for the support,
I will try to use git master branch with composer.
I update to git master branch, but I need to update de DB, is there a way to update the database without loosing the data?
Thanks @asmecher, I used the upgrade tool to update de database and after update I was able to put the ebooks for download.
Thanks for your support.