OMP: can book reviews be managed and exposed?

Hi @bolelligallevi,

Interesting - thanks for sharing. To my knowledge this doesn’t exist in OMP, but it’s possible that others may be interested/working on it too. Anything you can share on current work/code towards this would be helpful. Typically, the way this type of thing would be handled would likely be in the form of a plugin. I’ve switched this post to a “Feature request” category. I would ask, however, if you could rephrase your feature request using our standard headings/feature request template (if you start a new post and use the feature request template it should appear. Otherwise, could you reformat your request using the headings such as those found here; Improvement of PKP's OJS installation statistics site (

P.S. I would recommend updating your OMP Instance as well, as 3.1 is out-of-date and not supported. Working from a more updated codebase would help in this situation as well.

PKP Team