OMP Book shown as forthcoming but published 2 years ago

We are using OMP When I publish a new book with a publishing date from 2021 I get a “Proximamente” (Forthcoming, in english) insted of Publicado (Published, in english) as it shown in the image below:

Today I uploaded 6 books to this series: the N° 1 shows a “Publicado” (, but the folowing five books shows a “Proximamente”.

When I swicht the site to english I all books of the serie I get a “Published”, not a “Coming soon” or “Forthcoming”:

It is possible to fix this?

Hi @EzequielEsposito,

I see someone has posted about this here, and a user has offered a potential solution that has worked for them: Omp, inconsistent published and forthcoming status - #3 by primozs - perhaps you could try what is suggested there?

PKP Team