When I use my iPad I can’t download our e-books from our e-book platform (OMP). I have no problems downloading articles from our OJS platform, but the download link doesn’t work in OMP. Can you please fix that.
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Niels Erik
Hi Niels Erik,
Do you have a public URL you can share? I’ll ask around the team to see if anyone has an iPad.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec
Thank you for your quick response. You can test it on this e-book:
Besides, it doesn’t look quite right in Internet Explorer.
Niels Erik
Fra: asmecher [mailto:pkp@forum.pkp.sfu.ca]
Sendt: 11. april 2015 17:24
Til: Niels Erik Frederiksen
Emne: [PKP Community Forum] [Questions] OMP and iPad - download problems
April 11
Hi Niels Erik,
Do you have a public URL you can share? I’ll ask around the team to see if anyone has an iPad.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
To respond, reply to this email or visit OMP and iPad - download problems - #2 by asmecher in your browser.
Hi @nef,
I took a look using a coworker’s iPad, and verified that the embedding isn’t working.
We’ve been using a library called PDFObject for PDF embedding, and have also recently heard that it’s not working with IE11; looking closer, it appears that it’s not being maintained actively at the moment.
I’ve swapped out that embedding tool for one based on PDF.js, which is Firefox’s built-in PDF viewer, but also works on other browsers. See:
I’ve verified that it works on my co-worker’s iPad. Watch for that pull request to get merged – and then, if you like, you should be able to pop that plugin into your OMP 1.1.1 installation (please back it up before you do). Disable the old “PDF Article Galley” plugin, enable the new PDF.js plugin, and it should start working. Please report back here if you have any trouble.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Have you found a way to fix the problem. We now begin to receive complaints from readers of our book service.
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
Yes, the solution is to take the new PDF.js plugin, install it into your OMP, and then enable it in Management so that it takes over from the built-in PDF display.
The plugin files are here:
Those are coded for the OMP master branch (to be released as OMP 1.2), but I believe they should be compatible with 1.1.1. If not, please let me know and I’ll look into it further.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team