can I add new metadata in submission process? For example, I would need to let author choose among three types of pubblication we make available, or edit new publication infomation in Catalog page like the “readership” (audience to which the book addresses).
There isn’t an easy way to add new fields (and I generally argue against doing that, because we try to stick to existing standards), but consider classifying your submissions that way – e.g. using the series field. For Audience, you should see fields for that in the Catalog Entry pop-over, Catalog tab:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you.
actually we need to add specific data directly in submission 5 steps process (the one that begins after you click new submission button). For example we would give to the author the possibility of choise throught three kinds of book (with a combo box) to publish.
Anyway, if you advise against to modify OMP for this needs, we’ll manage this data differently.
I don’t suppose Series could be repurposed with that in mind? It’s not really what this field should be used for, but if you aren’t currently publishing in Series, perhaps it would do in a pinch.
Otherwise, we don’t really have a suitable field currently in the system. If you do deem this to be important, adding it would primarily mean adding code to the submission form, metadata form, and possibly in the editorial display where you want to have quick reference to the field’s value. I don’t imagine it would have metadata impact beyond that, e.g. the OAI interface, Google Scholar indexing, CrossRef, etc., etc.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team