I am trying to extend the OMP OAI plugin to export also the attribute dc:relation. The problem I have is I don’t know how to get the valid/latest file of the publication format. E.g. if you have updated/changed PDF files only the last is the one that is to be returned. I don’t know how to get it. The code should look something like:
$dc11Description->addStatement(‘dc:relation’, Request::url($press->getPath(), ‘catalog’, ‘view’, array($monograph->getId(), $publicationFormat->getBestId(), $file->getBestId() )));
where $file->getBestId() doesn’t work and must be replaced. Any idea?
Regards, Primoz
December 17, 2020, 12:11pm
@Dulip_Withanage are you familiar with the OMP OAI stuff? Can you point him to the code where this is runnig?
@primozs what precise version of OMP are you using?
Hi @primos ,
Relations was a community request and we already implemented it for OMP 3.2 and master branch and it was integrated a couple of days back.
If you are interested in the technical details for OMP 3.2 and master branch, please have a look here.
← withanage:issue6361
opened 03:59PM - 28 Nov 20 UTC
Hi Alec,
This PR resloves the issue described in [forum](https… :// and in
#### OAI Metadata enhancements
* File download support for monograph files as dublincore relations.`<dc:relation>http://localhost/omp/index.php/pkp/catalog/view/2/5/10-1</dc:relation>`
* dc:language `<dc:language>eng</dc:language>`
I noticed also that dc:title is set to 0, and users get only one language in a multilingual press.
`<dc:title xml:lang="0">The ABCs of Human Survival: A Paradigm for Global Citizenship</dc:title>`
Could fix it easily, but that would break the tests for OJS too. Therfore did not proceed without confirmation.
← withanage:i6361
opened 08:58PM - 06 Dec 20 UTC
Hi Alec,
This pr adds the OAI support for language and relatio… ns similar to the