Describe the issue or problem
I’ve recently upgraded omp to latest version, I’m trying to configure the new DOI feature but no way to find DataCite Manager Plugin that enables the export and registration of DataCite metadata.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
The plugin can be enabled/found under the ‘Generic’ category under Website Settings > Plugins. [not found in my case]
Distribution > DOIs > Registration : No Registration Agency Enabled
It doesn’t look as though the datacite plugin has been updated to be compatible with OMP 3.4 just yet, so that would explain why it is not available. This is a common occurrence with plugins when a new version of PKP software is released as plugin developers have not yet had an opportunity to upgrade their plugins to test wit the new version of the software. You can read more about this here:
No - it also applies to OMP, but the plugin does not appear to be updated (at least so far as I can tell, and I checked OMP 3.4. @bozana, may also be able to speak to this…
The main work is done and since two weeks we’re using the registration agency successful on our productive system. I had to fix some little bugs and starting this week to add also file registration support. The current version only supports publications, chapters and publication formats. I try to finish the plugin next week and then I will make a pull request to @Dulip_Withanage Repo, then all versions can be found at one place.
Hi all,
I just wanted to say that PKP is registered service provider for OJS only, for now. There was no DataCite plugin for OMP, also not for OPS, but I am glad to hear that the plugin for OMP it is coming
There are also plans for the DataCite plugin for OPS, s. OPS DataCite Plugin · Issue #9300 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub.