I’m working with a clean install of OMP l, and I’ve noticed that when I upload a book and check Feature, only one item is shown on the cover.
In the database, in the features table I have noticed that the seq field only has the value of 1, when I modify to 1,2,3,4. etc. The rest that were hidden are shown.
I was playing randomly adding and deleting in Featured and it’s the same problem, just add the value of 1.
How can i solve this?
Hi @dagosalas,
Is this the same issue described here?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Yes it is. I still don’t apply the patch he suggests, but …
The weird thing is, when I manually order the monographs, different numbers are assigned in the seq field, and all monographs are displayed in Features. Watch this:
I tried the solution they propose (it’s temporary), and it works:
But if I use Order Features, and move a monograph (up or down), the order returns to 0,1,2,3,4,5 in the seq field.
I think I’ll wait for an official patch, but for now I’ll keep this one.
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