Since I have many series connected to a publisher most of them are (for now) empty and not connected to any book. Is there a way to display a series only when there is a title/book connected to it?
Hi @lcbossert
There is no such possibility per default – you would need to implement it…
Hi @bozana,
could you point out where to look at in the code? Thank you!
Hi @lcbossert
Here all the series are retrieved: omp/ at omp-3_1_0-0 · pkp/omp · GitHub
You could either
a) walk through each series there, get the published monographs for each series something like this
$publishedMonographDao = DAORegistry::getDAO(‘PublishedMonographDAO’);
$publishedMonographs = $publishedMonographDao->getBySeriesId($series->getId(), $press->getId());
and only consider/leave those series that have some published monographs
b) if possible, write a new function i.e. SQL query in the SeriesDAO to retrieve only the series with a published monograph and use that function (instead of getByPressId) on the code line above.