Hi all,
i’m working on OAI-PMH file generated by OMP.
In the “dc:identifier” the ISBN is missing but I can see just the label.
This is a screenshot from the OAI url:

This is a screenshot from the OMP page:

How to change and have the ISBN number in the identifiers list?
Hi @Alfredo_Cosco,
That’s already been fixed in the git repository; try applying this change.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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In this way the result is:
reading dc specs seems better to have something like this:
(see: http://dublincore.org/documents/usageguide/elements.shtml and )
I think that line 153 should be like:
$dc11Description->addStatement('dc:identifier', "ISBN:".$identificationCode->getValue());
don’t you?
Hi @Alfredo_Cosco,
We support all kinds of identifiers, not just ISBNs – that’ll cause OMP to report any ID as an ISBN.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I see, so i’m trying with something like:
$dc11Description->addStatement('dc:identifier', $identificationCode->getNameForONIXCode().":".$identificationCode->getValue());
perhaps with some changes ( like a trim() ) to $identificationCode->getNameForONIXCode()
The DC Usage Guide includes a “ISBN:” prefix in the section you mention, but does not in another section:
I personally think the recommendations here of using URIs/URNs for the identifiers make a lot of sense:
We might want a method which does a transformation of an identification code to a URI/URN, if possible.
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