Hi @asmecher
We are testing the OMP 1.2 -
In the production phase we want to:
- Request the Copy Editor to copy edit manuscript and upload Copy-Edited version.
- The Press Editor assigns it to the author which needs to approve the Copy-Edited version.
- The Press Editor then assigns the approved Copy-Edited version to the Layout Editor.
- The layout Editor does the Layout version file and upload it to the Galley section (?).
- The Layout version file is assigned to a Proofreader/Author.
- The Proofreader/Author uploads the Proof red file and assign it to the Layout editor.
- The Layout Editor uploads the PDF and Epub etc to the Galley.
What we find is that in the Layout editor role and view he can only upload “Production Ready files”. There is a spinning wheel where the “galley files” should be at the bottom of the page.
see the test site: http://omp.sfu.ca/testdrive/index.php/cambridge/workflow/index/46/5
Any help on how the Production side of OMP 1,2 works will be appreciated.
Kind Regards