Hi all,
after that we added an Annouce to our site the Announcements tab seems blocked and loads without end.
I think it is a problem of missing translation keys for Italian translation, but I can’t find and patch it.
The message from the debugger is:
Notice: Undefined variable: label in [path]/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/announcements/AnnouncementGridCellProvider.inc.php on line 42 {“status”:true,“content”:"\n\n
Here a screenshot with the error.

Hi @Alfredo_Cosco,
Thanks for reporting – I’ve filed this at Warning when editing announcements · Issue #1477 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub and you should be able to apply any of the patches linked there from within the lib/pkp
subdirectory. (All 3 patches are equivalent, just applied to different branches.)
The error message itself is cosmetic, but because your server is configured to display error messages to the browser, it results in the JSON response for that request being garbled.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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