I did, I read that thread, then I wrote to @marcbria too (he didn’t answer me yet). It seems that there are no new spanish xml uploaded or I am not understanding. I have ‘Successfully installed version’ for example, but there is no es_ES completed yet.
I am not an experienced user (is my first time with github), so I think that I am going to go on reading and wait.
Disculpa la demora. No recibí la notificación (para la pròxima, mi usuario es @marc), aunque si el correo de ayer. Sigo en inglés que es la lingua franca… por si el mensaje fuese de interés para otros. Si te resulta más cómodo el español, avisa y cambiamos.
The translation available is the one you can find in github (master branch). I’m unsure if this is the same packaged and delivered in the website as stable. A few literals are missing and need to be translated. We are working on it with @mtub.
We plan to deliver a fixed version ASAP (around 15th of May), to be included in the next stable release (that will see the light at the end of May or so).
My recommendation here is wait a couple of weeks because you will get a reviewed and improved version.
Is you have any further question, please let us know.
Hi @marc, great. Thanks. I was using another .edu xml files, but it seems that those are better. We are testing the app, so I am going to use those and wait for news too.