OJS: Label missing for key manager.people.existingUserRequired


There seem to be missing labels for key manager.people.existingUserRequired. We stumble on this form in the fr_CA translation:


Wanted to translate this but we realized that in locale en_US, there was also no label on this key:

Even in the XML files for english locale (./en_US/*) there is no trace of the key manager.people.existingUserRequired. The only place where we can see this key mention is in pkp-lib/controllers/grid/users/reviewer/form/EnrollExistingReviewerForm.inc.php.
I’m guessing that’s a missing ?



True, that is only available for the OMP locales: https://github.com/pkp/omp/blob/master/locale/fr_CA/manager.xml#L76

Hi @pnault,

The Translator plugin (available via the plugin gallery) can help to identify missing translations. We’re about to enter a locale freeze prior to the release of OJS 3.1, so translators will be working on things like this. (We’re always happy to welcome contributions from translators!)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

In this particular case, the translator plugin isn’t of any aid: since the key manager.people.existingUserRequired doesn’t exist in english locale, we can’t see his fr_CA counterpart (I don’t see it on my staging server with OJS3.0.1). So if I want to add this key to the (I’m guessing) manager.xml file, from which folder should I take the manager.xml file:
-/lib/pkp/locale/fr_CA ?
-/locale/fr_CA ?

I already have a pull request on translation (Some modifications on locale fr_CA by pnault · Pull Request #2780 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub), I could just add this one in it.



Hi @pnault,

Ah, I see – this does exist in the OMP repository, but not in the OJS repository. I’ll move it into the shared pkp-lib repository so that it’s available to both without duplication.

Here’s the commit: Move locale key to shared library · pkp/pkp-lib@22349ce · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team