we are evaluating OJS for using it as a theses managment (submit, grade, publish) tool. theses will be BSc, MSc, doctoral, …
since OJS workflow includes the required stages already, there will be only small adaptions/addings needed:
setup OJS journals for theses types with responsible student office as editors.
authenification (windows AD)
time-slot for submitting the theses.
import functionality for students which need to submit thesis
OJS frontend for choosing the theses type
submitting GUI with related regulations
submitting GUI for adding related reviewers
submission recipt with timestamps and checksums of submitted files.
automated stage change to „review“ after submission.
and some more additions for sure. but much easier to implement then to build it new (i.e. with a sharepoint solution!).
does someone already „mis“use OJS for theses management?
or does someone know an other open source solution for it?
thanks a lot
thanks for response.
we know the common repository software like eprints, dspace or fedora-commons quit well and therefore think to implement a theses management with OJS will be easier than using a repository and fitting it. all (and more!) of the above listed requirements would also needed to be added in a repo software.
in general:
. there are a few webservices to be done to attached systems.
. in ojs there would have been made diffrent views for student, institut, referent, search
. there would be some (minor) addings/changes/fittings needed in the OJS workflow for getting the requirements of the clients thesis workflow (especialy controlling of time-slots (last upload possibility, time for correcting, …)
if there is someone with php knowledge, it should be quite easy to implement.
pls take note, that in the offer a big part is calculated for the migration of the old thesis management (lotus-notes). this is not (or maybe different) in implementing OJS as a thesis workflow tool.
Could you share recent updates on an implementation of OJS for theses management. Now a days ScholarOne (commercial) a similar platform for manuscripts submission have been used for these management at academic and research institutes. So, Does OJS is right open source software for these management?